Born in Verona, Gianfranco Facco – known artistically as GianFacco – has lived in Milan since the 1990s and is married to Patrizia.
He carries out his professional and artistic activities predominantly between Milan and Vicenza, his family’s hometown.
Through his works, Gianfranco Facco reveals a soul sensitive to the fragility and futility of all material things. His existence oscillates between routine and expressive activity: two contrasting worlds that interact with each other, elevating painting as a form of freedom, leisure, and mindfulness of the surrounding reality. Work becomes an alternative, and painting becomes a rhythm of alternation.
“Artistically, the works seem to evoke a form of symbolic expressionism, drawing parallels with NOLDE, ENSOR, and even MUNCH and KANDINSKY, through the same unease stemming from the dissolution of material certainties, economic foundations, and the social disintegration of interpersonal values. Here, man inevitably becomes a mask of himself.
The painting is pleasant, positive, vibrant, and intense; at times it exalts moments of joy, reaching for the vision of the eternity of cosmic nature, akin to the soul striving for the visual reality of creation. The colors on the canvas are vivid, leaping from the background with a great balance of spaces, tones, and proportions, so much so that no work, whether large or small, could be said to be poorly composed.”